To each other...
Holley in the presence of God, our family, and friends, I take you today as my wife.
He has blessed me with a Proverbs 31 woman; a wife of noble character whose worth is far above rubies.
You are truly a Gift from God and I promise to spend the rest of my life treating you as such.
I will cherish you always and never take you for granted. I will lead you and guide you as Christ leads me. I will lead by example, with patience, and with understanding.
Together we will be vessels for God’s service in accordance to His perfect will.
No matter what life brings our way, I promise to always love you and be faithful to you for as long as we both shall live.
I pray that He molds me to be the husband of your dreams but more importantly a husband in whom He is pleased.
In accordance with Ephesians 5, I will submit myself to you and I vow to show you the same kind of love as Christ showed the church when He died for her.
You are now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, and in the sight of God we are now one.
- Steve
Steve, in the presence of God, our family, and friends, I take you today as my husband.
Together we will be vessels for God’s service in accordance to His perfect will.
I promise to love you without reservation, comfort you in times of distress, encourage you to achieve all of your goals, laugh with you and cry with you, grow with you in Christ, always be open and honest with you, and be faithful to you for as long as we both shall live.
In accordance to Ephesians 5, I will submit myself to you as unto Christ.
I will love, honor, and respect you as the head of our home.
I will work along side you in support of your God-given vision for our family.
I will speak words of kindness and not criticism. I will build you up when life weighs you down. I will encourage you to walk into God’s purpose for your life.
You are now my husband, my lover, my protector, and my friend, and in the sight of God we are now one.
- Holley
To our kids...
Lia, I promise to respect you as an individual and guide your growth and development.
I promise to cherish you, encourage you, and make your home a place where there is trust, love, friendship, and laughter.
I will hold your hand through your mistakes rather than preventing you from making them.
I promise to show you how to find the true joy of the Lord.
- Steve
Adrien and Jasmine,
I promise to be fair and honest, to love and support you, to listen to you and respect you, to cherish and guide you, to help you learn right from wrong, and to respect others and the world around you.
I promise to help you thrive and reach your fullest potential in Christ.
- Holley